Fee Structure

Our fee structure is as follows.

Individual Instruments valued from photographs: 

  • £150 per instrument
  • £100 per instrument if more than 5 instruments.
  • £80 per instrument if more than 10 instruments

This includes a written report that can be used in negotiations with insurers, probate or with sale or value disputes

On Site Valuation 

  • We are happy to value instruments on site, at a home or office address at a charge of £85 per instrument where the instruments are consigned to us for disposition.
  • For larger collections of instruments where the instruments are NOT consigned to our brokerage service we charge £150 per instrument plus reasonable expenses.
  • We are happy to provide an onsite valuation where intention to consign to our brokerage service has been pre-agreed.

Authentication Service

  • Our authentication service is negotiable on a “per job” basis but typically works out at around £100 per hour

Forensic Valuation

  • This is a more involved valuation usually around insurance loss or damage, disputes regarding insurance, reinsurance, damage or loss or probate.
  • These are costed on a per job basis and the cost advised to the client beforehand.


We offer a full advisory service for large collections of instruments and for touring and studio equipment.

Expert Witness

We have in the past, and still provide an expert witness service in cases where the authenticity or value of an instrument is disputed.

  • Depending on the complexity of the case we charge £100 per hour for pre-reading of case materials or attendance at meetings, on site valuations etc
  • Court attendance requires reasonable expenses and is charged at £750- £1000 per day.